Web ADA Compliance: 5 Issues Companies Face

When it comes to web ADA compliance, there are a number of things that you need to take into account that you may or may not know about. Many people choose to do this on their own, which can lead to a number of problems. In this article, I will discuss five of the most common problems that can occur when you try to do your own website ADA compliance.

If you would like to learn more about the ADA, check out our comprehensive article on the history and importance of this act.

You also might already be considering outsourcing your web ADA compliance, but you might be unsure of what it might cost you or the benefits of having someone else perform that work for you. If this sounds like you, I would suggest that you continue reading this article, but you might also want to check out this one to get a better idea of what it might cost.

1. Limited knowledge and a lack of understanding of ADA requirements

If you are not familiar with ADA requirements, it can be difficult to do your own ADA compliance. This can lead to mistakes being made and your website being non-compliant.

The Americans With Disabilities Act is a complex piece of legislation that is best interpreted by lawyers or those who have performed an in-depth study on the act itself.

You want to make sure that your compliance efforts aren’t going to waste. If you misunderstand or don’t have the time to fully comprehend the requirements of the ADA, then you will definitely want to consider outsourcing this important piece of your business.

2. Incorrectly implementing ADA requirements

This issue stems from the first one. If you do not fully understand all of the requirements put forth by the ADA, then you may not be able to implement them correctly on your website. 

You might skip over them all together!

You also might implement certain aspects that you think are correct, so you will be thinking that your website is perfectly compliant, but then you might find out later on that the requirements were not instituted correctly, and you could still face legal troubles.

It’s very important that you not only understand everything required by the ADA, but that you also know how to implement those requirements. 

3. Limited Knowledge of Website Design

Another issue you might run into when trying to implement those requirements is the actual design of your website. 

Website design is very, very important (especially if you are wanting that website to help you close more deals for your company).

Bringing in an expert can help with this. Maybe you had a web professional design and develop your current website, so you are just going to do the ADA updates yourself. Well, you might be changing things that you shouldn’t change – things that can change the overall design and effectiveness of your website.

Your ideal situation would be to outsource your ADA compliance and to make sure that the company you’re outsourcing to will also be able to provide you with a great web-design service!

4. Time constraints

When you do ADA compliance on your own, it can be extremely time consuming for you.

If you are able to outsource this work, you will free up a lot of time that you can then use to focus your efforts on other areas of your business. 

If you are trying to start or run a business or to allow your company to grow, you do not want to be bogged down by taking all of the time that would be required of you to ensure your website’s ADA compliance. Let somebody else take this off your plate. 

It might seem expensive, but the time that you save will be well worth the price. Plus, remember the tax savings that can come into play with paying for ADA compliance. 

There are some major benefits here!

5. Lack of resources

The final issue is a potential lack of resources/tools.

A company, or person, who specializes in web ADA compliance, will have access to a plethora of tools and different softwares and resources that help to make sure that your website is in compliance with the ADA. 

For you to purchase, understand, and be able to use all of the same tools, it will probably end up costing you more than it will cost you to outsource the work, and you won’t save all of that precious time!

Use the resources that are available to you by bringing in a specialist!

Is outsourcing necessary?

While outsourcing is certainly not “necessary,” I would highly, highly recommend that you at least look into it due to the five reasons mentioned above and many others that weren’t discussed here.

If you do outsource this service to an expert, it will ensure that everything is done correctly and that your website will be compliant with ADA requirements.

Doing ADA compliance on your own can be difficult and can lead to a number of problems. If you want to ensure that your website is compliant, it is best to outsource this job to a professional. 

If you are looking for someone that can help you with ADA compliance, please reach out to our team here. We have certified experts in this field on our team and can help you get your website ADA compliant quickly and easily.

Looking forward to chatting!


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