Social Media Marketing For Law Firms – 5 Effective Strategies

Have you begun to utilize the full potential of social media for your law firm?

Many lawyers are often skeptical about the benefits of social media with some fearing that it is all style and no substance. But social media marketing for law firms is a strategy you won’t want to ignore. 

However, there are incredible benefits to this tool, particularly when you consider the level of reach it will provide. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 7 in 10 Americans utilize social media with many accessing it on a daily basis. If you engage with them the right way, then they could become new clients for your business. So, let’s explore some of the big advantages and best ways to use social media for your law firm. 

Boost Your SEO Rankings With Social Media

Yes, you heard that correctly. You can actually improve your Google rankings by using social media. When you produce content or updates to your website, it’s likely no one will see your content unless you use social media to get the word out. Your rankings will improve the more your content is shared and distributed. Social media provides you with a way to do this and also increase the traffic to any of your given pieces of content. 

You just need to make sure that you are creating content that is interesting, useful and relevant to your target client. Infographics are a great choice because they provide bite-sized chunks of information on a diverse range of topics including complex legal situations. 

Law Firm Online Reviews

One of the best ways to generate new clients for your law firm is to utilize existing clients. Specifically, we’re talking about reviews. Surveys have revealed that over 80% of users will check online reviews before they commit to a particular service. With social media like Facebook, you are providing an easy way for clients to leave reviews for your services.

This will help improve the reputation of your business and build trust. It will guarantee that new clients are more inclined to take a chance on your law firm.

Solve Real Problems Through Social Media

Engaging with your target audience directly is one of the best ways to discover new clients. Social media provides you with a tool for this. Using social media, you can search for key mentions. This could be connected to injuries, accidents, harassment or any other type of legal issue that a user would need a lawyer’s support for. 

Through social media, you can reach out to these potential clients and offer to solve their issue for them. The benefit of doing this is that users expect interactions like this on social media. As such, they are far more likely to respond compared to sending an email or phoning them. 

Provide Value Instead of Self Promotion

A mistake often made through social media marketing is focusing on promotion. Instead, only a small portion of the content delivered through social media should be targeted towards promoting your business. You should make sure that you are providing value with the majority of your content. Answer questions that users have, provide solutions to their problems and reveal information that is going to catch their interest. 

If you take these steps, you will be setting up your law firm as a trusted resource online. As well as increasing the chance of finding new clients, you can ensure that users begin to see your profiles as a resource for information. This will increase your following and improve the power of your brand. 

You can also create and share thought-leadership style posts. By doing this, you will establish your expertise as a key professional in the industry. Remember, most people will not shop around for lawyers and instead many will focus on just one attorney. They want an expert who will provide the best service possible and with the right curated content, that expert will be you. 

Lawyer Referrals

Finally, with social media, you will be able to build up your level of referrals. It’s possible to use social media to create a network of other lawyers and even professionals in different industries. Once you do this, you will gain a greater chance of them directing followers to your legal firm under the right circumstances. As such, you won’t have to search for new clients because they will quickly find you. This is a great way to break down regional barriers too and ensure that you can find clients in different locations who would otherwise not complete such a vast search. 

As you can see, the potential of social media for attorneys and law firms is clear and completely accessible. Used the right way, this could be the ultimate tool for building up your list of clients. 

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